Franchising as a Force for Good

Screenshot of podcast thumbnail titled "Global Franchise Podcast" with a headshot of Dave Keil

Dave Keil was featured on the Franchise World podcast sharing the origin story of Franchise For Good and the early success he has seen in applying best practices from franchising in the nonprofit industry.

Finding Leverage Through Partnership

Screenshot of video thumbnail. Headshots of Dave Keil and Pat Hamill are pictured with the title of the podcast "Finding Leverage Through Partnership"

Dave Keil was interviewed with Pat Hamill by HalfTime Institute sharing how their partnership sparked the journey of scaling BuildStrong Academy nationwide through Franchise For Good.

Scaling Nonprofits For Social Good

Screenshot of podcast thumbnail called Franchise Euphoria

Dave Keil was interviewed on the Franchise Euphoria podcast sharing how his new nonprofit is giving back after a career of success in franchising.

Franchise For Good Uses Industry Expertise to Help Nonprofits

Screenshot of Franchise Times article titled "Franchise for Good Uses Industry Expertise to Help Nonprofits"

A nonprofit to help nonprofits. The idea came to Dave Keil during a “literal walk through the woods in northern Michigan” in early 2020, and he’s spent the past two years building Franchise For Good as an organization that assists nonprofits as they scale and expand their impact.

Franworth’s Tested Blueprint for Franchise Success

Screenshot of the Franchise Today podcast thumbnail

Franchise For Good founder and Franworth President, Dave Keil, was interviewed on Franchise Today discussing Franworth’s Tested Blueprint for Franchise Success and how Franchise For Good is using that blueprint to make a difference for nonprofits.